Not all Backlink Indexers are made equal. Discover why you should add Index Nuke to your SEO Toolbox and choose Index Nuke as a replacement / Addition to your current Backlink Indexer software or Service.
Index Nuke comes in two powerful flavors. Our PRO version includes desktop software which runs on your computer or VPS. PRO allows unlimited campaigns each with up to 10K backlinks. Our PLATINUM version not only utilizes the power of the PRO desktop software, each campaign once complete can also be PUSHED to our High End servers in the CLOUD to continue the Indexing process.
Index Nuke exploits BRUTE FORCE technology to index your backlinks. Not only do we do the usual RSS, PINGING and SITEMAP techniques other Backlink Indexers perform we also use additional 'BRUTE FORCE' routines to ensure your backlinks get every chance to be indexed by the Search Engines. We also uses INTELIMAPS (intelligent Sitemaps) and 301 Redirects.
We have invested heavily in our CLOUD based servers. Our PLATINUM version allows each campaign to be PUSHED to our High End SSD Servers in the CLOUD to continue the Indexing Process. Our CLOUD based BRUTE FORCE modules have been designed for maximum indexing. Our servers are powerful and can process MILLIONS of links. PLATINUM allows you to PUSH UNLIMITED Links to Index Nuke Cloud per day.
Index Nuke is a very powerful Backlink Indexer. In its simplest form (PRO) it can easily compete with all of its competitors and in most cases beat them. Index Nuke PLATINUM takes the indexing process many steps further using BRUTE FORCE indexing modules in the CLOUD. The desktop software uses its own built in indexing and BRUTE FORCE routines and then passes the backlinks to Index Nuke Cloud to further BRUTE FORCE the links. Our powerful Cloud servers also perform Link Boost routines on each link for maximum indexing. PLATINUM also uses the power of our privately owned network of high DA domains for the sitemaps and other indexing modules. Both versions also use what we call INTELIMAPS (Intelligent Sitemaps) including many other custom technologies that we have used for our own indexing projects over the years. Index Nuke is a stress-free SEO tool to help you keep one step ahead of you competitors.
Index Nuke PRO is a standalone, self-contained application with no monthly recurring fees. Index Nuke PLATINUM uses the same standalone application but allows the option to send your campaigns to our powerful Index Nuke Cloud for further processing after being processed by the software's own indexing routines.
We are proud and stand by our software but it's always good to read about other people's opinions. Here are just a few of our happy customers.
I have been lucky to get in early and test this product right from it's first private release over 6 months ago. I've used pretty much every Backlink Indexer 'out there' but nothing even comes close to Index Nuke. I am a heavy GSA SER user and own a private blog network for my clients. Whenever I create a campaign within SER or add a new blog post to my site network I whack them straight into Index Nuke and then simply move onto the next task at hand. I have only great things to say about it. Well done guys!
SEO Consultant (UK)
Having been one of the very first people to test the ALPHA release of Index Nuke a few months ago I can honestly say it's been an asset to my business. I own a portfolio of Affiliate based websites and a very popular community style website. I am constantly building links to my sites using GSA SER & ScrapeBox to name just a few. Index Nuke really comes into it's own when I need to index these types of links. I will definitely be a lifetime customer as it looks like Index Nuke will be around for a long time.
Affiliate Marketer (Australia)